Machine Tools:
From the latest CNC machinery including the handling of pallet changers, tool changers and bar feeds to the older and heavier gantry style mills, VTL machines and turret lathes, Champion can make your move seem a bit lighter!
Printing / Corrugated:
Large multi color printing presses like Planeta, Komori and Heidelberg as well as heavy die cutting, sheeting, folder gluer and corrugation equipment are all movable and easy to handle when you have the Champion team on your side.
Sheet Metal:
All punch and automated turret punch equipment including stackers, breaks, sheers, water jet machines of all shapes and sizes are all a common daily occurrence for the movers at Champion.
Any and all ovens, freezer units, mixers, storage tanks, conveyor systems as well as all wrapping and packaging machinery is all easily and carefully handled while maintaining the highest level of cleanliness and care.
Health / Medical:
All types and sizes of MRI equipment including large hyperbaric chambers, portable clean rooms and various heavy test equipment are never a problem when Champion is on the job.
Injection molding, extrusion and blow molding equipment including silos and conveyer systems are another very common moving task for the Champion team.
Heavy generators, control housings, turbines, boilers, water clarification systems are just some of the many items commonly handled for various water and power providers.
Aircraft / Defense / Space:
Gantry mills, hydro tails and large VTL’s are all common machinery handled when dealing with the manufacturing of large aircraft parts. Various shapes and sizes of autoclaves, environmental chambers, spray booths, fume hoods and clean room atmospheres are all within our comfort zone of experience and knowledge!
All Contractor Trades:
How does that large over sized transformer get into the basement of such an old building? How did that giant generator get up onto it’s foundation under the low level overhang? How did that heavy Air conditioning compressor get up that staircase and onto the roof? How did that statue of Chick Hearn make its way onto its final resting site in front of The Staples Center? Some contractor from somewhere called the Champion team for a helping hand!
Movie / Entertainment:
Large special effect elements, statues, King Kong parts, life sized sections of dinosaurs, sections of rides and attractions make our job a bit more fun!